Alsop Lane
Chloe Beard 2013
Dark winter mornings,
Abundance of snow and ice,
My, my, it’s quite cold.
Meaning: Its dark and cold (obviously winter) and it may not seem pleasant to some people.
As the sun rises,
A new day is beginning,
Make a day of bliss.
Meaning: The sun has risen for you. Don’t waste your day and make the most of it by being happy.
A life has begun,
Experience amazing,
But all good things end.
Meaning: Take advantage of life and enjoy the experience because one day, you may not be here.
The sound of raindrops,
On a dark, cold winter day,
Many will find bliss.
Meaning: Doesn’t really have a meaning, I personally enjoy the sound of rain because it is peaceful and relaxing.
They say love is life,
But life has something better,
Peanut Butter Cups.
Meaning: (Miss Clarke) This has absolutely no meaning, I just wrote this while I was eating a peanut butter cup.
Rain, Rain, Go away,
Come again another day,
But it’s still winter?
Meaning: I stole half of this from a rhyme, but I find it has irony to it. Usually it rains when its winter and if its winter, there is obviously going to be a lot of rain and terrible weather with plenty more to come.
All good things must end,
Even flowers wilt away,
Plastic flowers don’t.
Meaning: I wrote this as a random haiku but I think if I were to look for a meaning, it would mean: things don’t have to end, anything has the possibility to stay alive and live on.